こないだの Arduinoこたつタイマーのプログラム、インデントがなくて分りにくかったですね。
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プログラムの前に、 <pre><code> 、プログラムの後に </code></pre> 

// こたつタイマープログラム (6分単位/1秒単位)
const int cathode_pins[] = {1,2,3,4,5,0,6};    // カソードに接続const int buttonPin = 7;    // the number of the pushbutton pinconst int LED1  = 13 ;    // LED blink 1sec durationconst int speker = 8 ; //speker on pin 8const int digit1 = 9; // Display digit 1const int digit2 = 10; // Display digit 2const int RELAY_ON = 12; // AC Relay Control//int ledState = HIGH;         // the current state of the output pinint k=0 ;  // Buzzer counterint Count_up =0 ; // Count up state int buttonState;             // the current reading from the input pinint lastButtonState = LOW;   // the previous reading from the input pinconst int number_of_cathode_pins = sizeof(cathode_pins) / sizeof(cathode_pins[0]);// 配列の数int start_num= 20  ;  // Number to countdown from 20min=20*600sec initial 2HOURSint start_num1 = start_num;  // the following variables are long's because the time, measured in miliseconds,// will quickly become a bigger number than can be stored in an int.long lastDebounceTime = 0;  // the last time the output pin was toggledlong debounceDelay = 50;    // the debounce time; increase if the output flickersunsigned long time;// setup() は,最初に一度だけ実行されるvoid setup() {  for (int i = 0; i < number_of_cathode_pins; i++) {    pinMode(cathode_pins[i], OUTPUT);  // cathode_pinsを出力モードに設定する  }  pinMode(digit1, OUTPUT);  pinMode(digit2, OUTPUT);  pinMode(speker, OUTPUT); // speker on pin 8  pinMode(RELAY_ON, OUTPUT);   pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);   pinMode(buttonPin,INPUT);  // Button Input        // set initial AC Relay State  digitalWrite(RELAY_ON,HIGH);}void loop() {      // read the state of the switch into a local variable:   int reading = digitalRead(buttonPin);  // If the switch changed, due to noise or pressing:   if (reading != lastButtonState) {     // reset the debouncing timer     lastDebounceTime = millis();   }         if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) {     // whatever the reading is at, it's been there for longer     // than the debounce delay, so take it as the actual current state:     // if the button state has changed:    if (reading != buttonState) {       buttonState = reading;       // only increment ciunrter if the new button state is HIGH       if (buttonState == HIGH) {//         ledState = !ledState;//     If button is pressed, increase timer number          if (Count_up == 0 ) {         start_num = start_num + 5 ;// If button is pushed add 30min//             if ((start_num -  (millis()/1000))> 50) { //              start_num = 50 + (millis()/1000) ;//         360sec =6min  Upper Limit = 50 * 6min = 300min (5 Hourrs)           if (start_num - (millis()/360000) > 50 ) {            start_num = (50 + (millis()/360000)) ;            }         }//     If state is count up, restart from initial.         else         {         Count_up = 0;         k = 0;      // Buzzer is Initialized         digitalWrite(RELAY_ON,HIGH); // Power_Relay is ON//         start_num = 10 + (millis()/1000);//      restart from 10 x 6min = 1 Hour         start_num = 10 + (millis()/360000);         }          }     }   }              // save the reading.  Next time through the loop,   // it'll be the lastButtonState:        lastButtonState = reading;  //start_num limitation 50   //long startTime = millis();//  if((millis()/1000) < start_num){//    displayNumber(start_num -(millis()/1000));// 360sec =6 min =36000 millis() count   if((millis()/360000) < start_num){    displayNumber(start_num -(millis()/360000));     if ((millis()/500)% 2 == 1 ) {      digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);     }    else {      digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);      }  }  else  {    // reached zero, flash the display    Count_up =1; // count up state    k=k+1;   // count_up buzzer count    time=millis();    while(millis() < time+200) {      displayNumber(0);  // display 0 for 0.2 second      digitalWrite(RELAY_ON,LOW); //TIME UP Relay OFF     if(k<6) { tone (8, 1000, 100);     }    }    time=millis();        while(millis() < time+200) {      lightNumber(10);  // Turn display off for 0.2 second    }  }  }// 2ケタの表示を計算するvoid displayNumber(int toDisplay) {  long beginTime = millis();  for(int digit = 2 ; digit > 0 ; digit--) {    //Turn on a digit for a short amount of time    switch(digit) {    case 1:      digitalWrite(digit1, HIGH);      break;        case 2:      digitalWrite(digit2, HIGH);      break;    }//Turn on the right segments for this digit//    lightNumber(toDisplay % 6);//    toDisplay /= 6;    lightNumber(toDisplay % 10);    toDisplay /= 10;//    delayMicroseconds(DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS);     //Display digit for fraction of a second (1us to 5000us, 500 is pretty good)    //Turn off all segments    delay(2) ;    lightNumber(0);     //Turn off all digits    digitalWrite(digit1, LOW);    digitalWrite(digit2, LOW);  }////  while( (millis() - beginTime) < 10) ;   //Wait for 20ms to pass before we paint the display again}// 7SEG表示パターンconst int digits[] = {  0b00111111, // 0  0b00000110, // 1  0b01011011, // 2  0b01001111, // 3  0b01100110, // 4  0b01101101, // 5  0b01111101, // 6  0b00100111, // 7  0b01111111, // 8  0b01101111, // 9  0b00000000, // 10}; // 1けたの数字(n)を表示するvoid lightNumber (int n) {  for (int i = 0; i < number_of_cathode_pins; i++) {    digitalWrite(cathode_pins[i], digits[n] & (1 << i) ? LOW : HIGH);  }}


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